Takeaway of hot food in plastic containers?

Takeaway of hot food in plastic containers?

Single-use plastics are generally used for takeaway meals here in Singapore. These plastics can flake tiny plastics (that is, microplastics or nanoplastics) into your food, especially under higher temperatures (source). Research available online over the past decade reveal that ingestion of microplastics and plasticisers leached into your food can pose possible health risks. Potential health risks cited in these research papers include reduced metabolism, cancer, infertility, damage to the nervous system, and impediment to the neurological development of children (source).

Other interesting reads: "The Everyday Chemicals That Might Be Leading Us to Our Extinction" by Bijal P. Trivedi; "Shanna Swan: 'Most couples may have to use assisted reproduction by 2045" by Zoë Corbyn.

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